Testing the testers
Laboratories must have quality control procedures for monitoring the validity of tests undertaken in order to ensure the quality of Test Results.
Among these procedures, the inter-laboratory comparison or proficiency testing programmes (PTPs), are considered the best statistical techniques to determine the real capability and reliability of CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs).
In addition to being required by ISO/IEC 17025, the Committee of Testing Laboratories (CTL) proficiency testing programme has received full support from the IECEE Certification Management Committee (CMC) for the purpose of increasing the "mutual confidence" between the CBTLs in the field of the CB Scheme and related recognition of CB Test Certificates.

Proficiency Testing Workshops
The Committee of Testing Laboratories (CTL) organizes a Proficiency Testing Programme (PTP) workshop in conjunction with the CTL annual meeting.
On the agenda are items such as:
- specific case studies
- issues pertaining to test results
- important findings or items the CTL feels should be shared with Member laboratories
- aspects of the quality control procedures
PTP Provider
The Proficiency Testing programmes are coordinated and processed by a PTP Provider independent of the participating testing organizations and working in coordination with the CTL Working Group 2: Proficiency Testing.
The PTP Provider is selected by the CTL Chair in consultation with the IECEE Executive Secretary, endorsed at the CTL Plenary Session, and formally appointed by the CMC.
The PTP Provider has a proven capability in the design and management of programmes related to electrical safety testing either directly or with the help of the relevant CTL Expert Group.
The PTP Provider is formally recognized by a reputable Accreditation Body according to ISO/IEC 17043:2010, Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing.